Blog Archives

Yield Curves……and their extraordinary features!

It is quite some time since we spoke about our passion for yield curves and their extraordinary features! A yield…

Power Paradox

Last week’s piece on hubristic behaviour elicited some great responses along similar lines. “Whom the gods would destroy, they first…

Hubris Behaviour

Hubris is the condition of overbearing arrogance and/or excessive self-indulgence – the impression that one will always succeed in every…

Opposite-Sex Anomaly

We thought the title might attract your attention!! The Civil Partnership & Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act, 2010…

Exogenous Events

The term exogenous is adopted by many disciplines as having an external cause or origin. In medicine it is attributable…

Robot Technology

The good people at the Oxford English Dictionary describe robots as computer-programmed machines that carry out a series of complex…

Risk/Return Conundrum

All investments carry a risk that investors may not get back all or part of the money invested.  Some investments…

Market Synopsis

Some market forecasters hold themselves out as being able to predict market movements. Under closer examination this is a fallacy…

Central Credit Register

This could be one of the most important website addresses you’ve ever encountered – No immediate action is required…

State Pension

It’s MMPI’s experience that the very mention of the “p” word elicits a mixture of emotions ranging from boredom/weariness through…

Survival of Democracies

The earliest form of democratic authority is accredited to the Greeks less than 2,500 years ago. Democracy has survived in…

Risk of Regret

Regret is a very strange emotion. The dictionary advises that it is a feeling of sadness, remorse or repentance over…

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