“The investors chief problem and even his worst enemy is likely to be himself” Benjamin Graham
Getting to Know You
The investment process begins during our discovery meeting with a discussion on your financial values and goals as well as your key relationships, existing assets, other professional advisors and main objectives. Our discussion with you will be wide ranging to ensure that the investment advice you receive is appropriate to you.
Setting Objectives
Key objectives for many clients might include wealth accumulation and income generation and at MMPI we recognise that each client is unique. We analyse your situation and attempt to quantify the level of investment return that you need to meet your objectives. We consider all options ensuring that any investment advice recommendations we make are as tax –efficient as possible.
Discussing and Understanding Risk
Risk is a very subjective term and can mean different things to different clients. In our experience, investors are more loss averse than risk averse. That’s why at MMI, we ask each client or prospective client to complete our investment Risk Profiling Questionnaire. We use the subsequent report to have a sensible discussion about risk and how different risks can impact on you achieving your goals. There are different types of risk including:
- Your attitude to investment risk- this can alter significantly depending on what’s happening in the world around you
- Your capacity to take investment risk- the impact that a major investment loss might have on your achieving your long term goals
- Your requirement to take risk- this might include your need to take some level of risk to achieve your state goals
While these are the main areas to be discussed in relation to investment advice, other risks to be considered on a client specific basis include liquidity risk, inflation risk, interest rate risk credit and legislative risk.