In December 2019 MMPI wrote; “Christmas is a time when everybody gets Santamental. It is good to have fun but there are real anomalies. It’s either a time of celebration, joy and exuberance; or it’s a lonely, depressing and sad time. Those less fortunate will not relish the celebrations. Those who have lost loved ones will want to preserve dignity. Those who detest dark, dank days will yearn for brighter times. Thinking about others is always important – never more so than at Christmas.”
We could not have known how prophetic those comments would turn out to be, given the truly awful year suffered by so many. 2020 will surely be recorded by historians as one of the most challenging for humankind. Many sadly did not survive. Others have been left badly scarred. But the vast majority seem to have muddled through. Slowly at first and then with great gusto. Proving once again how resilient our species is. Nothing but nothing can keep us down not even a pesky little virus!
While we are in good mood here at MMPI, we are conscious that not everybody is in top form. But we feel there is every reason to be optimistic about the future. The vaccines will provide renewed confidence that we can return to a more acceptable way of life.
Machine learning will continue to churn out improvements to our livelihoods that we thought were wild fantasies just a few short years ago. There will be cures for a whole host of dreaded diseases. Poverty will be eliminated. There will be innovations and inventions that will be game-changers. The pace of transformation will be breath-taking – but we’ll adapt to all of that too!
Yes! there will be those who wish to hark back to bygone days, when Amazon was a river; chips came with salt and vinegar; trump was a high-ranking card; Sam Sung was a lad from Hong Kong; Intel was enemy information; Apple was a daily fruit and Spotify was the start of a sentence. But going backwards is not rewarding. It is forever onwards and upwards and don’t forget that standing still is not a sensible strategy in an ever-changing world.
It used to be that changes came around every generation or so but MMPI believes that this decade will be truly transformational. Please join us for the ride.
For a start, here’s hoping that 2021 will display more originality in business names! Zoom was once reserved for camera lenses; Yahoo was an exclamation at a party ard-dheis; Twitter was just bird speak; Dyson was a hoover; Band Aid was a concert; McDonalds was a farm; AppStore was a suitable shop!
We would like to wish all our friends a very safe, happy and enjoyable Christmas. Thank you for your loyalty and support over the years. We sincerely hope you get to greet all your loved ones over the holiday season (albeit remotely!). Very best wishes for 2021 and beyond from all in the MMPI Group!