Thought Leadership

Limited Liability Risk

We had a great reaction to last week’s thought-provoking risk perceptions! Now that we’ve shattered the perception of risk let’s…

Risk Perceptions

The perception of risk is in the eye of the beholder. It is incredible how two people, with opposing demeanours,…

What Is Customer Loyalty?

Loyalty is a noun that expresses a strong feeling of support or allegiance. This is most admirably demonstrated by sports’…

MMPI Escalator Plan Series 53

MMPI is delighted to announce the launch of its new investment product – the MMPI Escalator Plan Series 53. The…

Is This Regulatory Madness?

In February 2018, MMPI championed a thought leadership piece on the inadequacies of Key Information Documents (KIDs) that regulators insist…

MMPI Investment Report 2018 Q3

The MMPI Escalator suite of investments produced another set of very pleasing outcomes for very satisfied investors in Q3 2018.…

What is Disequilibrium?

Equilibrium can be difficult to define in financial terms – and disequilibrium even more so. Physics tells us that equilibrium…


MMPI was taken to task by some readers in recent weeks for citing the “markets” without explanation. For example, the…

Market Expectation

There is a theory of market expectations, which advocates that long-term interest rates available in the marketplace contain a predictive…

What did Say say?

Jean-Baptiste Say stated that aggregate supply, in and of itself, creates the same quantity of aggregate demand. Therefore, a general…

FX Markets

In October 2011, MMPI launched its investment product MMPI Protector Account Series 4. It was specifically designed to offer protection…

Who’s Keeping Score?

A credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness – your ability to repay your debts. It is a…

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